Bevergani is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct, integrity, and professionalism in all aspects of our business. This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics ("Code") applies to all Bevergani employees, officers, and directors, setting forth the fundamental principles that guide our actions and decisions.
Our commitment to these standards is essential to building trust with our customers, partners, and communities, ensuring that our business practices reflect our values and respect for the law. All members of the Bevergani team are expected to act with honesty, transparency, and accountability, promoting a culture of respect and integrity in all our operations.
This Code serves as a reference for making ethical decisions and highlights the responsibilities we hold towards each other and to the community at large. Please read this Code carefully and adhere to the principles outlined here as we work together to uphold Bevergani’s reputation as a responsible and respected business.
If you are ever uncertain about the ethical implications of a particular decision, we encourage you to seek guidance from a supervisor or other appropriate authority within Bevergani. By following this Code, we contribute to a work environment where ethical behavior is the standard, and integrity is at the heart of everything we do.
All employees and associates of Bevergani must avoid situations where personal interests conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of the company. Any activity or relationship that could impair objective decision-making on behalf of Bevergani should be disclosed and managed appropriately.
Employees are expected to advance the legitimate interests of Bevergani whenever possible. Using company property, information, or opportunities for personal gain is strictly prohibited. Employees must not compete with Bevergani or take business opportunities that rightfully belong to the company.
Bevergani is committed to ensuring that all public communications and reports are complete, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable. All employees involved in the preparation of reports or documents for public disclosure must ensure that all disclosures are truthful and compliant with applicable standards and regulations.
Confidentiality is crucial to the integrity of Bevergani's operations. Employees must protect confidential information related to our company, customers, and partners. Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information is prohibited, even after an individual’s association with Bevergani ends.
We expect all employees to conduct business in a fair and respectful manner. Bevergani does not tolerate unethical behavior such as manipulation, concealment, or misrepresentation in any business dealings. Fairness and integrity are essential values in all our transactions.
Employees are responsible for safeguarding Bevergani's assets and ensuring their efficient use. Misuse or waste of company resources negatively impacts our operations and violates this Code. All resources should be used for legitimate business purposes.
Bevergani is committed to full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. All employees must adhere to legal standards in every jurisdiction in which we operate. If you are unsure about the legality of an action, seek advice from management or legal counsel.
Bevergani encourages open communication regarding ethical concerns. If you believe there has been a violation of this Code or any legal requirement, report it to your supervisor or appropriate authority. Retaliation against employees who report violations in good faith is prohibited.
Bevergani reserves the right to amend this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics as needed. Employees will be notified of any significant changes, and all amendments will be made available for review.